Victoria's Secret model Alessandra Ambrosio ranks slightly ahead of Nene on my list of favorite Brazilians.
'Top 10 hottest Super Bowl QB WAGs' (Manofest)
Shocking developments: Brenda Warner doesn't look that bad these days (Busted Coverage)
Former Miss USA makes the leap into porn (Hollywood Rag)
Tyson at Sundance "I'm afraid of how much money and how much pussy I'm gonna get" (The Lost Boy)
Bob Kravitz has a nice feature on Danny Granger (Indy Star)
This is so funny on so many levels (The Onion)
Claude Lemieux is back in the NHL (Puck Daddy)
Greatest NBA quotes of all time (Low Posts)
Funny Martin Luther King Jr ad (EDSBS)
Hate your TV announcer ? Buy this (Deadspin)
Here's one way to beat a speeding ticket (UK Daily Mail)
Oh those Steelers fans, so clever (Philly Edge)
Barry Obama's party is going to cost a lot of money (Open Secrets)
More shocking developments: Rush Limbaugh wants Barry Obama to fail (El Rushbo)
Ads for booze back in the NBA. You know Vin Baker is happy (Sports Business Journal)
Miranda Kerr on the beach (Hollywood Tuna)
Kobe thinks he could play WR for the Eagles, right now. Of course you do Kobe (Sports Examiner)
Hartford wants to bring the Whalers back (NBC Connecticut)
Yet another reason to hate the Red Sox (SBB)
Please stop wearing this jersey (Straight Cash Homey)
More fun with Yahoo! Answers (Holy Taco)
Who says the economy is bad ? Paul Blart Mall Cop opened at $33.8 million ? This is what's wrong with our country (Buzz Sugar)
A movie with Katherine Heigl cost $2 mill to make, made 30 bucks at the box office (Wikipedia)
'Group sues Coke over Vitamin Water claims' (WFTV)
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