With the highly anticipated return of Nip/Tuck tonight, I thought we'd all be better off with a little Kimber. I mean Kelly Carlson, who is the only character in TV history to battle meth and still look good doing it.
What is this world coming to when athletes aren't even making it rain anymore ? (Las Vegas Review Journal)
'Study: Teenage virginity pledges are ineffective.' Get right out of town (MSNBC)
Say what you want about Te Pau Gasoft, but this was pretty badass, watch in HD (YouTube)
This is definitely one bank that won't be affected by the economy (College Humor)
How do I get MTV Brazil added to my cable ? (DJ Mick)
Please make it stop. Please, I beg you (AJC)
Is Steph Curry overrated ? I say no. His mom is underrated (Rush the Court)
Former S Club 7 member Rachel Stevens does FHM, I've never had a dream come true until I saw the pictures (Hollywood Tuna)
Should San Diego State consider dropping football ? (San Diego Union-Tribune)
Nitro was on the juice, I guess that's how he was always so good at the joust (NY Post)
Ann Coulter blames, get this, the 'liberal media' for not being able to plug her new book enough. Shocking developments (Gawker)
Golfing with make you go deaf (SBB)
Yes, that was 'magic negro' that you saw on the scroll. Oh that FOX News (Holy Taco)
Somebody please get Colt McCoy a beer (LA Times)
I hope he identified himself as Employee #8 when talking with police (Miami Herald)
Very nice shot of a USC Song Girl (Busted Coverage)
This chick is known as 'The Pleasure Machine' (Horny Oyster)
'Obama girl' looking good (Hottest Girls of Myspace)
You can have an orgasm during childbirth. Um what ? (FOX News)
Hyundai will take back your car if you get laid off (CNN)
'Sean Penn demands to know what asshole took his email address' (The Onion)
Wish I had a dollar for everytime I have read an article titled 'Cardinals sign lefhanded reliever' (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
It's Britney bitch had her Twitter account hacked, hilarity ensues (DListed)
10 hot fitness women that could kick your ass (Uncoached)
Millions joined me in not watching the Orange Bowl (EDSBS)
This has gotten absurd: Footer and Lappy are now hurt for the Avs (Denver Post)
Melo gets hurt, the Nuggets win, the fifth leading scorer in the NBA, former Lobo great Danny Granger had 36 (Rocky Mountain News)
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