I'm so excited to live in a state where Val Kilmer will possibly be running for governor in 2010 (NY Times)
This is the only important question facing the A-Roid debacle (Deadspin)
Paul Walker, 32, is now engaged to 19 year old Jasmine, whom he has been dating for 3 years. You do the math (WWTDD)
This Valentine's Day gift chart is pretty badass (Sloshspot)
Count me among the unaware that hookers took credit cards. This opens up a whole new world for me (ABC News)
Listen to me Philadelphia Flyer Scottie Upshall, you stay away from my girl (Busted Coverage)
Just damn funny (Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis)
On a related note (Next Round)
'We're calling this Operation Dumb & Dumber' (Philadelphia Inquirer)
Chris Brown beat up Rihanna before the Grammy's, allegedly (Rolling Stone)
How many ESPN baseball analysts does it take to say the same thing ? (Sports Hernia)
I too once named my child after a lost bet regarding the '88 NBA Finals (AZ Daily Star)
For the low, low price of $199 you can now own the A-11 Offensive Installation Manual (American Football Monthly)
You know Donnie Baseball. Now meet Donnie Racquetball (Sports Crackle Pop)
Yet another thing Marshawn Lynch and I have in common, our love for penguins (With Leather)
Baby Spice is looking pretty good these days (Head of Fred)
Yet another reason to love Euro League basketball (Busted Coverage)
'Don't throwback, just go back' (Legend of Cecilio Guante)
Where are they now ? God Shammgod edition. It's policy around here, any God Shammgod related material will be linked (Vent About Sports)
Yeah I called you fat, look at me I'm skinny (This is Why You're Fat)
'Top 5 Kellogg's recipes for stoners' (Gawker)
If you haven't seen the original 'David Goes to the Dentist', easily one of the funniest videos ever, here it is, and here's all of your remixes (Don Chavez)
Just in time for Valentine's Day, it's Sex Panther cologne (Next Round)
More sweet, sweet prom photos, this time from 1992 (Don Chavez)
You have to admire the kid's honesty (Next Round)
Light one up and read about the 10 most successful potheads (Coed)
Video proof of the effect that Tony Romo can have on people (YouTube)
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