The only thing the Broncos are good for: some rediculously hot cheerleaders (Broncos.com)
I'm really getting pissed at the Yankees signing all these free agent pitchers. Now they even signed this guy (Huffington Post)
Tom Cruise reads Letterman's 'Top 10 craziest things people say about Tom Cruise on the internet," appears less crazy than normal (YouTube)
How to deal with rooting for
Good advice on keeping up on business contacts (Wall Street Journal)
Some hot Hollywood starlets before they were stars (Boosh Magazine)
Mental Floss has a sweet old school basketball shoe quiz. Like most quizzes I have taken in my life, I got 9 out of 13, for a steller 69% (Mental Floss)
Tony LaRussa further proving he is senile (STL Post-Dispatch)
'The Chris Rix Lifetime Achievement Awards' (Strait Pinkie)
Coach K emailed me and asked me for a name for their new website, I picked weslapfloors.com, my feelings were hurt when they went in a different direction (Sports Business Journal)
John Wooden's great-grandson is playing for the Bruins this year, well 'playing' might not be the operative word (Rush the Court)
America's Most Wanted host John Walsh's son's murder finally solved after 27 years (US Magazine)
Lawyers turn to Facebook to serve legal papers (Reuters)
It's December, which means it's time for the annual Forsberg returning to the Avs stories to start trickling out (Denver Post)
Bitch Ass Bertuzzi met with Steve Moore face to face for the first time since he ruined his life (STL Post-Dispatch)
If you're going to throw a guy up in the air at a retirement party, catching him would be recommended (Reuters)
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